Monday, November 21, 2011

Ron Paul, I Have A Better Idea

Ron Paul, listen to me and listen good.  I have heard you talking about not talking about not running as a third party candidate.  As a result the papers, TV news shows, Facebook and Twitter are talking about your not talking, non-stop.  Let’s say for a moment that you are serious about a third party run (which I don’t believe, by the way.) Would you be doing it to defeat the eventual Republican nominee or to actually become POTUS?

Let’s assume you want to be POTUS.   You have given the conventional way to win the convention more than enough opportunity to work but Stevie Wonder can see that you have been getting shafted in the debates and in the media. There are just too many candidates right now. The media is focused on the perceived leaders.  You have a reputation as living a bit too off on the fringe to be considered a serious potential nominee. Hence, they spend time elsewhere.

Before you have the ultimate hissy fit and go third party I want you to consider this.  Isn’t there a pretty big party already in place where only one bad boy is running?  Isn’t that party more lost than your current party (which I concede has lost its way too.)  

Yes Ron Paul, you should switch parties and run for the Democratic Party nomination for President of the United States.  Think of the media attention.  You would be huge.  You would be like Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade float huge. You would be the Underdog float!

Now think about the debates.  Just you and him, one on one, week after week, month after month, getting equal time to answer questions and put forth your vision for America.  You would clean his clock.  You would bloody his nose.  You would knock out a few teeth.  You would crack his teleprompter.

Could you beat Obama?  Of course you could.  He’s a Marxist.  The democrats don’t want a Marxist, they want a liberal.  You are a Lib.  (OK, you are a Libertarian but we may need to abbreviate to win.)

We keep hearing that the current Democratic Party is “not your father’s democratic party.”  Capitalizing on the sexist aspect of this expression, your campaign slogan could be “Ron Paul, the Democrat Your Mom and Dad HOPE You Will Vote For!” Bumper stickers, T-shirts, hats, newspaper ads, TV ads, radio ads, all with this message.  For TV and radio we will get a Kennedy sound alike to deliver the message, someone from Romney’s home state.  It will sound like John Kennedy is asking democrats to vote for you.

Once you win the Democrat nomination, then it will be time for the ultimate revenge.  You will get to go head to head with the Republican Party nominee, who may possibly be a RINO.  Mano-y-mano there is no Republican currently running that you can’t hold your own with.  As the Democratic candidate you will have the support of the main stream media.  You should cruise to a victory on November 6, 2012.

You are famous for thinking thoughts that others cannot imagine.  What I am proposing is not simply your only path to victory; it is the path that the stars have aligned to illuminate.  Do it Ron.  Do it for America. Do it for Rand. Just do it Ron!

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